Install oh-my-zsh on ElementaryOS

My previous post Install oh-my-zsh on Ubuntu doesn’t perfectly works with elementaryOS. I was in search of a better solution for elementaryOS and got a nice solution from a big brother. So, i am sharing it here.

Getting oh-my-zsh

First we need some important application to configure it properly. Lets grab them with this command on terminal:

sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install -y \
curl \
vim \
git \

Now, lets grab oh-my-zsh from github.

curl -L | bash

Congrats!!! oh-my-zsh has been installed. You may check it if it is available by


on your terminal. But it is not your default shell yet. To make it default,

sudo chsh -s $(which zsh) $(whoami)

Now, restart your terminal and zsh is your default shell.

Customizing oh-my-zsh

There are plenty of themes for oh-my-zsh. You can get them from here. I used Bira on my terminal. To change to your default theme open ~/.zshrc with your favorite text editor. Search for


and replace with


Thats all for today. Have fun with your terminal 🙂