Install oh-my-zsh on Ubuntu
I am not terminal fanatic. But i like working on it. On linux i use my default terminal app with a shell framework named “Oh My ZSH”. Its a bautifull framework with lots of useful staffs. In this post i will tell you, how to install Oh my ZSH and and Install Solarized theme on it. Lets move on.
oh-my-zsh is an expanded version of ZSH, which is provided from Ubuntu software center. So we will first install ZSH first. Enter the following commands as i mention
sudo apt-get install zsh
Now install oh-my-zsh
wget -O – | zsh
Thats it. oh-my-zsh has been successfully installed into your. To use oh-my-zsh now, restart your terminal. And then type,
After providing the command you will see your terminal like this.

Ok. oh-my-zsh has been successfulli installed. To make it your default shell enter following command:
chsh -s `which zsh`
May be you have noticed that, i am using solarized color scheme on my termminal. How can we get that. Its very simple. If you have Git installed run,
git clone
Otherwise go to this repo by Sigurd Gartmann. And download the files. Now extract the zip file and you will find two solarize color scheme. I will use the dark scheme. So, run into terminal
Thats it. You have successfully configured your terminal with solarized color scheme. There are plenty of zsh theme available online. You will find them here. That’s all folks.